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esIrobot lab is the robo-lab at the European Software Institute - Center Eastern Europe! ESI CEE has been a long time robo-enthusiast, but 4-5 years ago, we stepped up and became involved in robotics on a professional level .

So, what we do here at the esIrobot lab, and what are our main fields of interest is:

  • Education. We design and organize educational robotics workshops for children with the aim to teach other subject-fields, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and Arts, as well as with the aim to foster the development of skills, such as creativity, communication, collaboration, problems-solving, proportional reasoning, digital fluency, and others. We aim to work with all children, trying to provide everyone with an entry point.We believe that educational robotics makes a great tool for teaching and motivating young learners to stay interested in the educational process, so we are very passionate about supporting formal education with educational robotics activities. This is why, we love working with teachers and pedagogues!
  • We are also interested in research in the field of educational robotics and emerging technology. In 2015 ESI CEE renewed its research infrastructure with financial support by the National Operational Program "Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy 2007-2013".  Through this program, we further equipped our lab with some fabulous robotics additions and we're ready for some hardcore research. You might be curious to also check out the ER4STEM project - a Horizon 2020 research project we're currently working on with a great consortium!
  • Research in innovative ways for improving teamwork and communication (human-machine interaction).

About the European Software Institute - Center Eastern Europe


The European Software Institute - Center Eastern Europe has evolved as the Regional Excellence Center for Eastern European and the Caucasus of the former European Software Institute (now Tecnalia Research & Innovation). ESI CEE has actively supported the development of increased ICT industry competitiveness, digital entrepreneurship, knowledge economy and society, with a specific focus on supporting small setting and enterprises, and mentoring startups.

The European Software Institute - Center Eastern Europe is your partner in cybersecurity, modelling and improvement of integrated processes, strategic management, business continuity and security, software engineering and quality management.

The European Software Institute organizes on a regular basis training courses in cybersecurity and resilience, software engineering management models, modelling and improvement of integrated processes. View courses and all recent news here.

Check out ESI CEE's official webpage to stay in touch with all our initiatives.